Merkurtransit, 9. Mai 2016 2016 May 9, Mercury Transit of the Sun | |
location: Austria 1130 Vienna
AstroSolar SafetyFilm OD5.0l, Losmandy G11, no guiding Canon 5d MKII 1/1000s, ISO 100, TMB 80/600 reducer to 474mm image croped 2016_05_09, 11:23 to 16:58 UTC image taken From my observatory the view of the sun ends at 16:58 UTC so the end of the transit was not observable | |
Video 1000 frames 640x480 with Webcam Philips ToUCam Pro (PCVC 740K), GSO 800/200mm at 800mm, no Dark, no Flat, registered and stacked 5 percent of frames with RegiStax,
created : 21.05.2016 - updated : 24.2.2023 - (c) T.Zwach - photos: Thomas Zwach