C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy in And | |
location: remote with http://www.itelescope.net/
Observatory: Mayhill, New Mexico Telescope T3 Takahashi TOA-150 150mm f/7.3 1950mm, SBIG ST-8300C One Shot Color CCD 1x 600s, 1x400s, 1x200s standard calibration detail of next image 2015_02_17, 14:00-14:30 time UTC exposures taken | |
Coma diameter about 12´ bright about 5,5mag tail on this picture more than 50´ long |
in constellation AND
app. 49° above horizon Moon under horizon |
created : 7.03.2015 - updated : 24.02.2023 - (c) T.Zwach - photos: Thomas Zwach